say what you will

‘Say What You Will’ is a large scale public interactive artwork composed of six sculptural sails and six kiosks. The public is invited to interact with the artwork by speaking into each glowing kiosk. It could be a story, a phrase, a love note, or a frustration. The artwork takes the audio submission and transforms it into an abstract visual expression and light projected onto one of six sails spanning the width of the Arizona Canal. One’s voice is transformed by analyzing both the sentiment of the submission and the spectral qualities.

Each submission holds a unique transformation as the artwork is able to use artificial intelligence to recognize the sentiment of what is said which is then given a positive or negative score. This could be a ‘positive’ expression of love, joy, happiness or a ‘negative’ expression of frustration, anger, or fear. The spectral analysis of each expression allows the artwork to recognize volume, pace, and density of sound which influence the individual visual expression.

Each flag has a one to one relationship with an adjacent interactive kiosk, while the all six sails collectively come together constructing the greater conversation and complexion of the public artwork.

Say what you will

Created by MASARY Studios

Presented at Canal Convergence

Visual collaborator Brett Bolton

Sound Composition Collaborator Jade Rose

Technical Assistant Jame Coyne

A large scale interactive public art piece.

Photos by Aram Boghosian

November 5 - November 14 2021

Scottsdale, AZ

View the artwork mini documentary below.